Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali -

Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali

September 8 - 9, 2022.


1. Rade Biočanin, Državni univerzitet u Novom Pazaru, Novi Pazar, Serbia
2. Mirko Tešić, Internacionalni univerzitet Travnik, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Third Millennium inherited from the previous one high pace of technological development, information flow and environmental pollution. Modern civilization is faced with a very serious problem, which is a product of industrial society, which is the production of hazardous substances, as well as the enormously growing of hazardous waste. The constant advancement of society is conditioned by the rapid development of modern technologies, which leads to increased production and use of various e-devices and equipment, without which everyday life is simply impossible to imagine. Electrical and electronic equipment and appliances (EE equipment) represents all products that are completely dependent on electricity or EM fields and equipment for production, transmission and measurement of electricity for their proper operation. When, for whatever reason, EE equipment becomes unusable, it is converted into EE waste, to be considered, within the waste management. Electrical and e-waste is waste electrical and electronic equipment, including circuits and components that are generated in the economy (industry, energy, transport), then e-waste from households, or waste EE equipment generated in households or in production and / or service activities. Electronic and electrical waste has the character of hazardous waste and according to the Law on Waste Management can not be mixed with other types of waste. The goal of manipulating EE waste is to establish a system for separate collection of EE waste. It needs to be classified on the basis of EE waste categories, for its further use, care and protection of the environment and human health.Given the importance of this issue, which was present in all present and possible omissions in the transportation and treatment of hazardous waste, it is important to respect certain procedures during the solid waste management in the region. The risk of the consequences of accidents is much higher if the vehicle transporting the goods, for example. Explosive, infectious or eco-toxic. Therefore, there are special rules for the transport of hazardous waste, which should ensure the safety of those engaged in transportation, other road users and the environment. In addition to traditional electrical appliances (refrigerators, stoves, water heaters, TVs and radios, Mobtel), dizzying advances in the field of information technology and telecommunications, performed and drastic divrsifikacija this type of waste as a result of which today there are over 75 different definitions of e-waste. A large number of such substances can seriously damage the environment for long periods. The realization of the project of a single system NBC gives us the ability to use modern communication equipment and very effective mobile units, to react in real time and successfully perform monitoring, alarming, protection and decontamination. However, the existence of more business systems depend on their willingness to abide by the projected environmental measures and regulations. Security system of environmental management according to requirements of the ISO 14000 series of standards is hard work and requires the recognition of specific corporations / companies, the specifics of the site, taking into account the requirements of legislation and respect. In economics, risk assessment of hazardous waste increases is based on the budget, how and how many people evaluate alternative situations involving different levels of risk, that is, assessing the willingness of people to pay for changes in the levels of risk they are exposed to.In designing future environmental events, it has to be counted on the fact that more and more waste is needed, which must be minimized and properly treated, especially when it comes to e-waste.In the co-author's work was observed and the impact of hazardous e-waste on the working and living environment, with the presentation of certain information in the region and the EU. This work, through different parameters trying to examine that possibility and try to find ways to prevent similar incidents and prevention and protection of the population. Emphasis is given to RHB dangerous risks, as the original event for the scenario in which failures leading to e-waste treatment, the consequences of which are large with considerable environmental degradation.

Key words:
environment, e-production, materials, e-waste, waste treatment, eco-safety

Thematic field:
SYMPOSIUM A - Science of matter, condensed matter and physics of solid states

Date of abstract submission:

Contemporary Materials 2018 - Savremeni Materijali

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