Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali -

Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali

September 8 - 9, 2022.


1. Maja Mrkić Bosančić, Ministarstvo industrije, energetike i rudarstva, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Srđan Vasković, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Petar Gvero, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Energy supply chain has been defined as the trajectory of all energy transformations from the fuel source or primary energy sources to useful energy form delivered to end users. In general, every single energy supply chain can be uniquely defined by several criteria. These criteria are generally categorized into the three groups: energy, environmental and economic criteria. There are following criteria: energy efficiency of observed chain, exergy efficiency of chain, the coefficient of exergy quality for different products at energy chains, specific investment cost per totally installed power of all machines and plants in the energy chain, €/kW, production cost of energy chain per 1 kWh of the lower heating value of produced biofuels or energy, €/kWh, CO2 emission in the total chain due to the fossil fuels consumption for 1 kWh of the lower heating value of produced biofuel or energy, kg/kWh and availability of usable resources on its territory and possibility for its use in defined percent. Optimal energy supply chain can be chosen by using multi-criteria optimization. Selected optimal energy supply chain fulfils important set of criteria, which are defined and adopted for this type problem, previously. But the main goal in this paper is not to choose optimal energy chain, rather than determination energy mix from several renewable energy supply chains. Determination of optimal energy mix comes down to determination of the percentage share of each component of renewable energy supply in defined boundary of the observed problem. To meet its energy needs, each country, region or defined area uses the energy available to it, in different proportions. This is what we call the energy mix. Depending on definition of the criterion matrix for optimization, this matrix will define the possibility of applying this method on different energy supply chains and regions. For total ranking of renewable energy chains for production of fuel or energy and selection of optimum variant, the multi-criteria optimization and VIKOR method can be applied. In VIKOR approach, the compromise ranking is performed by comparing the measure of closeness to the ideal alternative. This is main reason why this methodology is very good for application in determination of optimal sustainable energy mix. The measure of closeness to the ideal alternative is directly in correlation with percent of share in modelled renewable energy mix. This approach for determination of optimal energy mix have been applied and tested on several real supply bioenergy chains in this case: CHP plant, pellet plant and wood heating boiler.

Key words:
Energetski miks,Višekriterijumska optimizacija,Energetski lanci,Obnovljivi izvori energije,VIKOR

Thematic field:
Energetics and Thermal Engineering

Date of abstract submission:

13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

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