Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали -

Contemporary Materials 2016 - Савремени Материјали

September 4 - 5, 2016.


1. Sonja Ketin, Faculty of Maritime Academic Studies, Belgrade, Belgrade 2- University of Defense of Belgrade, Milit, Serbia
2. Rade Biočanin, Državni univerzitet u Novom Pazaru, Novi Pazar, Serbia
3. Ratko Garić, Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti Beograd, Serbia

Biotechnology (GM technology) has become a tool and a new "conventional" standard for plant seeds, replacing older varieties, that is, introducing improvements/innovations in agricultural production. It enables the development of crops with beneficial traits when conventional breeding techniques are unable to develop such traits. The use of GMOs in plant production is becoming a well-established practice, and the Leader approach (a form of process management) is based on a comprehensive overview of the resources and perspectives of a certain area, connecting various sectors and providing the opportunity for local communities to express their views on future production. If the future of a certain local environment is jointly predicted, the bearers of local development unite, because Leader influences the establishment of new partnerships and forms of management and enables co-authored ideas and concepts to be applied and realized in practice. The Special Accession Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (SAPARD) for pre-accession assistance to agriculture has been implemented since 2000 and aims to provide assistance to structural adjustments in agriculture, development of rural areas and implementation of parts of Community law. Financing on the basis of SAPARD is defined on the basis of the agricultural population, agricultural areas, gross national product and specific territorial issues. Genetic engineering (molecular cloning, genetic manipulation, recombinant DNA technology), and even as "new genetics", is a field of biotechnology in which genes and natural DNA sequences are used as resources, which are manipulated in various ways to achieve certain goals in agricultural production. In this paper, the steps in genetic engineering are proposed: isolation and modification of the gene of interest, construction of the gene cassette, and construction of the vector and insertion of the gene into the vector, transformation and selection - separation of GMOs from non-transformed organisms. The conclusions of our research can be considered useful for the makers/bearers of agricultural policy in rural areas, to implement their interests of sustainable development and poverty reduction more quickly and efficiently and to make more available the relevant information on the improvement of agriculture in rural communities and their potentials, because the benefits of this kind multiple and long-term production.

Key words:
agriculture,eco-production,genetic engineering,biotechnology,DNA,SAPARD,sustainable development.

Date of abstract submission:

Contemporary Materials 2024 - Savremeni Materijali

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